The end of fishing for Alaska's prized Red King Crab?
It's been a while since I wrote a science communication article. In September, I was lucky enough to visit Alaska and Canada on a final year university field trip. I became fascinated by the coastal ecosystems and fisheries there, and how climate change is impacting them, and have since decided to translate some of my own reading of papers into a more digestible article...
It sounds like a scene from a horror movie. Dozens of tanks
lining a laboratory, each filled with seawater bubbling away with a lone crab
inside. But this was no sci-fi experiment. This was the Alaska Fisheries
Science Centre’s Kodiak Laboratory when a team of marine biologists decided to
investigate how climate change might affect one particular species: the Red
King Crab.
But why this species? Red King Crabs (RKCs) are central to
the Alaskan fishing industry thanks to their high market value. For context,
whilst shipping vessels earn around 5 USD/lb for King salmon (considered a
delicacy), RKCs go for double that in Bristol Bay, one of the USA’s major
fisheries (Long, 2022).
Last month, the Alaskan fishing community was rocked after
authorities announced the cancellation of the Red King Crab season for the
second year running due to insufficient stocks. However, unlike some commercial
species, overharvesting is unlikely the main cause.
Growing up to five feet across, these crabs have amazingly complex
life histories which encompass a variety of habitats across their different
stages. After hatching from eggs, larvae spend three months feeding on plankton,
before metamorphosing into juvenile crabs. These juveniles then spend another
two years making their home among shells and stones on the sea floor. The constant
movement of these environments deters most predators, allowing the crabs to
mature before moving to live in adult groups in deeper waters (Swiney et al.,
The rocky sanctuaries upon which juvenile crabs depend are threatened,
however. Unlike the waters where adults thrive which are somewhat buffered from
disturbance by their depth, these shallower, delicate ecosystems are particularly
impacted by warming and acidification.
All species have a set of temperatures, their thermal tolerance,
within which they can survive and operate. Crabs have an especially narrow
thermal tolerance since they are ectothermic, meaning they can’t regulate their
own body temperature (Long, 2022). When an organism finds itself outside of its
thermal tolerance, it uses energy to combat this additional environmental stress.
If too much energy is spent adjusting to new environments, vital cellular
processes may lack sufficient energy and the organism will become continually
weaker. Lower pH, as well as corroding crustacean shells, can alter biochemical
reactions and exacerbate the stress of raised temperatures.
Although crustaceans are generally less sensitive than many
marine species to these environmental stressors, it is still important we can
predict their responses to manage their populations effectively. In 2017, the
team of scientists led by Dr Katherine Swiney conducted the first study
investigating how juvenile RKCs’ growth, morphology (physical form) and
survival are affected by the long-term interaction of warming and acidification.
They first created six treatments with varied conditions by submerging
heaters and bubbling carbon dioxide through seawater (temperatures: ambient,
+2°C, and
+4°C; pH: ambient pH ~7.99, and pH 7.8). They then randomly assigned a “young-of-the-year”
(under twelve months) RKC to each treatment and reared them there. Whenever a
crab died, they recorded their survival time and analysed their carapaces for any
effects on growth rate or morphology.
Most strikingly, they found the highest temperature and lowest pH synergised
to produce the highest mortality rate (97%). Interestingly,
a +2°C
temperature had the opposite effect with the lower pH. According to Dr
Chris Long, part of the team, “The +2°C treatment actually pushed [the
crabs] closer to their ideal temperature which made them better able to deal
with the stress of reduced pH.”
The team did not find morphology to be affected by temperature or
pH, whilst growth rate increased with temperature but not with a lower pH.
So, what do the results mean? Crucially, lowest survival was seen
amongst crabs in the +4°C/pH 7.8 treatment, which mimics the
conditions forecast in Alaskan waters in eighty years. This
highlights the necessity for species to adapt if they are to survive changing
oceanic conditions.
Another possible outcome is the crabs move to cooler waters. This
could have potentially devastating consequences for polar ecosystems; RKCs have
already invaded Norwegian waters and decimated marine biodiversity as
non-native predators, a trend which could be replicated elsewhere (Oug et al.,
There is hope though. Research is revealing some positive
responses; Blue King Crabs for example have demonstrated the potential to adapt
to changing pH (Long et al, 2016). More recent experiments suggest RKC larvae
are relatively unaffected by acidification (Long, 2022).
Nevertheless, if RKCs can’t adapt quickly enough to keep up with
the predicted warming and acidification of our seas, the question remains
whether their stocks will ever recover enough for their commercial harvesting
to resume once more.
Long, Christopher, PhD, Research Ecologist/Research Fishery Biologist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Personal communications, November 2022.
Long, W.C., Van Sant, S.B., Swiney, K.M. and
Foy, R.J. (2016). Survival, growth, and morphology of blue king crabs: effect
of ocean acidification decreases with exposure time. ICES Journal of Marine
Science, 74(4), pp.1033–1041. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw197.
Oug, E., Cochrane, S.K.J., Sundet, J.H.,
Norling, K. and Nilsson, H.C. (2010). Effects of the invasive red king crab
(Paralithodes camtschaticus) on soft-bottom fauna in Varangerfjorden, northern
Norway. Marine Biodiversity, 41(3), pp.467–479.
Swiney, K.M., Long, W.C. and Foy,
R.J. (2017). Decreased pH and increased temperatures affect young-of-the-year
red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). ICES Journal of Marine Science,
74(4), pp.1191–1200.
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